This was not your typical boy meets girl scenario. A few pieces had to fall perfectly in place for Poojitha and Pranav to finally meet, but the wait was definitely worth it.
7 years ago Pranav made the best decision, without even realizing it; going to homecoming his senior year of high school. Little did he know that during the dance, he would lay eyes on the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen! He was so struck by her, that despite his usual over-confident self, Pranav did not approach her. She had to remain just a memory for the time being.
One night a few months later, when a friend mentioned her name, Pranav curiously asked… ‘Who’s Poojitha?’ Turned out to be the best question he ever asked.
It all started back in 2017 when a determined boy decided to shoot his shot with the girl of his dreams by using one of the best opening lines known to man: “Hi.” At this time, Poojitha and Pranav had never been formally introduced, even though they had some mutual friends from their respective high schools. Thankfully, Poojitha responded to this not so creative opening line, and soon they were texting and video chatting, learning more and more about each other. What started as a simple conversation turned into much more!
After a few months, they joined different colleges, but they both did everything they could to stay in touch. During their Freshman year of College, they made time for each other whenever possible, whether it was the 8am calls on the walks to class or the 2 am calls on the walks back to their dorms. It seemed like distance couldn’t keep them apart. They had become best friends in such little time.
And then came the summer of 2018.
By this time, Pranav knew that he wanted to ask Poojitha to be his girlfriend, but he wanted it to be memorable (and gain enough confidence) so he decided to ask this amazing girl on her birthday, June 12, 2018, to be officially his.
Luckily, she said yes!
Their first date was in Naperville downtown, where Poojitha and Pranav got to finally enjoy each other’s company after a long year of texting and FaceTime. After a memorable summer of spending time together, the inevitable time came when both Poojitha and Pranav had to return to their colleges. Of course, they had some feelings of sadness, but this time felt different.
During the course of this year, Poojitha made every effort to make the 2 ½ hour drive to spend time with Pranav in Champaign. Pranav would also visit Poojitha in Chicago, but Poojitha definitely carried the weight this year ;)
Surely enough, as time went on, Poojitha and Pranav made more memories together. Their first Halloween, their first formal dance, their first New Year, you name it. Anything they could do together, they did!
Time kept flying, and they hit the one year relationship mark. Next thing you know, a year and a half. Then two. Poojitha and Pranav kept showing each other how meaningful their relationship was to each other, getting to enjoy their world side-by-side. They both met each other’s families and close friends, and everything showed them that time together has only made their love stronger.
As Poojitha and Pranav entered their senior year of college, they continued to prioritize each other and
make each other happy. They were ready to enter the real-world together. Nothing made them happier
than seeing each other succeed, and being by each other’s side. They both graduated from their
colleges, started their first full-time jobs, and continued to focus on the simple and most beautiful
aspect in both of their lives: each other.
At this time in their life, the world seemed conquerable! They were motivated and happy. Pranav already knew at this point that he wanted to ask Poojitha to marry her, but he knew he had to fulfill a promise first.
Poojitha had often expressed to Pranav how she wished they had met a little sooner so they would’ve gone to their high school Proms together. So Pranav had made a promise early on in their relationship, that he would recreate a prom so that they both get the dates they want and deserve for that night.
In May 2023, while all the high school Proms were happening, Pranav secretly planned for all of their friends to get together at a rooftop restaurant in downtown Chicago. They all dressed up and were ready for their redo Prom! Poojitha and Pranav had a beautiful night together ending with a sunset boat ride with their closest friends and a breathtaking view of the skyline! Poojitha was overjoyed and had tears of happiness in her eyes. Now Pranav knew he could go ahead with his proposal plan.
Within a few weeks, on May 27th, 2023, Pranav organized for the proposal to be right next to where they had their first date in Naperville downtown, along the riverwalk. He invited both of their families as well as a few friends on this momentous occasion in their lives while he, with a ring in his hand, proposed to the most gorgeous girl in the world! And the rest as they say, is history… :)